How to Improve our Listening Skill?


Hi readers! Back with me Fikar as a writer in this blog. How are you today? I'm hope you in good condition. How about your English Skill it's all right? I'm so interested when I wrote this blog because I have so many tips to improve your skill.What skill will we discuss today? Are you curious? Okay let's to the point! Happy reading.

    Okay in this blog I would like to discuss about "How to Improve our Listening Skill?" If you didn't know about Listening Skill you can click this link below : That's my blog have been post last week. If you have been known about Listening Skill we can go discuss how to improve that.

    Do you know if listening skill is most easier than others skill if we often to try exercise? Why I said that? because you can try exercise of listening in daily activity. I'm sure without us know, we can learn listening skill from our environment like if we listen a music and this music use English language without us know we try exercise to understand the meaning. Not only that if we go to cinema or we just watch movie with English dubbing we do twice activity there is Listen the audio and try to understand the meaning or just read the subtitle. If we want to improve or increase our skill first we must have an intention. That is basic if we want to achive that. I have a videos from my youtube chanel, maybe it can help you to understanding this material. Let's check it out

So I think several tips from we, I hope you know and undestand about what I mean. Therefore  learn listening skill can we do anytime and anywhere because that I said Listening skill is most easier to understand. Thanks for your time to read my blog, I'm sory if I have mistake and just coment below. Thank for all, see you in the next blog!



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